The Exorcism of Cheryl
conceived, written and performed by Robin Epstein, Dorothy Cantwell, and Marianne Willtorp, with Stephanie Doba
(chêr-yl)–a submissive & self-defeating voice that speaks from our inner recesses
The Exorcism of Cheryl, "the longest running show on Avenue A," was performed at the University of the Streets in April-May 1981 and February 1982. It was also performed at the Boston Women's Theatre Festival on May 29, 1981, and at the Women's One World Festival in New York City in October 1981.
Dotti Ditwell, Dr. Deadheart Dorothy Cantwell
Robin Robin
Marianne Marianne Wiltorp
Rachel, The Moderator Stephanie Doba
Lighting Designer, Technician Alice Forrester
Set Design and Paintings Robin Epstein
Piano Music Judy Lipshutz
Soundtrack Robin Epstein