As the Burger Broils
conceived and written by Robin Epstein and Dorothy Cantwell
More Fire! Productions was formed as a women's theatre collective dedicated to performing original experimental works.
As the Burger Broils was More Fire's first play and became the first full-length play or performance piece to be performed at PS 122, in October 1980. It was developed improvisationally at PS 122 by Robin Epstein, Dorothy Cantwell, and Marianne Willtorp.
As the Burger Broils was conceived as a dance/movement piece using the language, sounds and rhythms of a busy restaurant during the lunch rush. Robin used autobiographical material to create a scripted story. Dorothy created scenes that showcased her character work, where she could play the hostess, the waitress and the customer . . . all at one time.
Dorothy, Roxanne,
Lonny the Cook, Floozy Dorothy Cantwell
Robin, Lonny the Cook Robin Epstein
Judy, Floozy, Ruth Ruth Hardinger
Pam Rachel Fried
Martha, Anne, Post Reporter Barbara Caparelli