Art Failures written by Robin Epstein and Sarah Schulman
East Village Eye – William Harris, "Epstein and Schulman managed to pack their smart script with relevant issues and sly observations about everything from gay politics and the gentrification of the Lower East Side, to Jewish guilt and the Wingo girl.", directed and produced by Robin Epstein, was a satirical comedy of two lesbian standup comics desperate to succeed in a world where only failure is possible . . .Art Failures
Art Failures was performed at The University of the Streets in December 1983 and April 1984.
Robin Robin Epstein
Sarah Sarah Schulman
Shirley Berna Don
Susanna Susan Seizer
Stephanie Stephanie Doba
Taped Voices Mark Russell, Marianne Willtorp, and Florence Epstein
Lighting Design Sarah Schulman
Lighting Technician Julie Scher
Sets, Props, and Painting Robin Epstein
Teepee Design and Construction Marilyn Friedman
Choreography Susan Seizer and Robin Epstein